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CodeFontIcons Folder

This folder contains the static classes of the SVGs icon rich fonts, MonettelliUIKIT offers two FontIcons, “Material Design Icons” and “Monettelli Font Icons”, both open sources with thousands of ready-to-use icons in Tabs, Flyout and Interfaces.

Table of contents

  1. MaterialFontIcons-cs
  2. MonettelliFontIcons-cs


  • To use these Static FontIcons Classes, add the Namespace or the path where it is located, and in the Glyph property of FontImageSource through x:Static we implement an icon ready for use.

FontAwesome namespace and the logic of using FontIcons Code Example

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<?xaml-comp compile="true" ?>

    <!-- ... -->

    <!--#region FontImageSource INTERFACES-->
        Glyph="{x:Static FontAwesome:MaterialFontIcons.Heart}"
        Color="#EC2143" />

    <!-- ... -->



Static class of Material Design Icons whose space name is in Icons.xaml.


  • Material Design Icons has more than 5000 icons and two styles, Line and Solid, that we can combine according to the type of text Font.

Material Design Icons Structure Table

StyleVarietyVariant(s) FontNomenclature
Line StyleOutlineRegular, Light, ExtraLight…[NameFonticon]Outline
Solid StyleSolidBold, Black, ExtraBold…[NameFontIcon]

Material Design Icons Structure Code Example

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;

namespace XF_MonettelliUIKIT.CodeFontIcons
    static class MaterialFontIcons
        public const string SlashForward = "\u000f0000";
        public const string SlashForwardBox = "\u000f0001";
        public const string SwapHorizontalCircle = "\u000f0002";
        public const string SwapHorizontalCircleOutline = "\u000f0003";
        public const string SwapVerticalCircle = "\u000f0004";
        public const string SwapVerticalCircleOutline = "\u000f0005";
        public const string TankerTruck = "\u000f0006";
        public const string TextureBox = "\u000f0007";
        public const string TramSide = "\u000f0008";
        public const string VectorLink = "\u000f0009";
        public const string Numeric10 = "\u000f000a";
        public const string Numeric10BoxMultiple = "\u000f000b";
        public const string Numeric10BoxMultipleOutline = "\u000f000c";
        public const string Numeric10Circle = "\u000f000d";
        public const string Numeric10CircleOutline = "\u000f000e";
        public const string Numeric9Plus = "\u000f000f";
        public const string VectorSquare = "\uf001";
        public const string CreditCard = "\u000f0010";
        public const string CreditCardMultiple = "\u000f0011";

        // more than 5000 FontIcons...


Static class of Monettelli Font Icons clean and ready to use, this rich font was made in AdobeXD and packaged by IconMoon and Fontello.


  • Monettelli Font Icons has 8 outline icons and one brand, very soon this pack will bring more icons of different styles.

Monettelli Font Icons Structure Table

StyleVarietyVariant(s) FontNomenclature
Line StyleOutlineRegular, Light, ExtraLight…[NameFonticon]_Outline

Monettelli Font Icons Structure Code Example

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;

namespace XF_MonettelliUIKIT.CodeFontIcons
    static class MonettelliFontIcons
        public const string icon_brand_monettelliuikit = "\ue800";
        public const string icon_fly_menu = "\ue801";
        public const string icon_fly_rocket_outline = "\ue802";
        public const string icon_fly_view_dashboard_outline = "\ue803";
        public const string icon_fly_xamarin_outline = "\ue804";
        public const string icon_fly_ballot_outline = "\ue805";
        public const string icon_fly_animation_outline = "\ue806";
        public const string icon_fly_palette_outline = "\ue807";
        public const string icon_fly_file_document_outline = "\ue808";

        // Coming soon more FontIcons...